Motherlove Paintings
capture your motherhood journey
Custom Paintings done from life in New Orleans
BY SARAH GRIFFIN THIBODEAUXCelebrate motherlove with a painting!
come sit on my red sofa!
Celebrate your enduring love with a motherlove painting. Capture your baby bump--this special time that won't last forever.
Or bring your new baby to the studio and sit on my red sofa and I will paint you both.
A lovely way to capture your new baby for years to come.
MotherLOVE paintings
Celebrate your new baby with a mother and child painting!
Come sit for a painting to commemorate your pregnancy or sit with your new baby for a mother and child portrait.
This is a moment you need to keep.
This painting will live with you as your child grows up and then as a treasured heirloom for generations to come.
Sarah Griffin Thibodeaux is a contemporary realist artist painting in the alla prima style--a painting done in one session wet into wet instead of layers--in the tradition of John Singer Sargent, handed down by generations of master painters.
Griffin Thibodeaux studied at the New Orleans Academy of Fine Arts with Auseklis Ozols and M. Dell Weller, the Art Students League in New York with Ronald Sherr and the Florence Academy of Art with Daniela Astone. She has studied with contemporary artists David A. Leffel and Jeremy Lipking. She holds a B.A. degree from Newcomb College, Tulane University, in New Orleans.
She has been painting for thirty years and loves her job doing doing portrait commissions, painting live event paintings, leading travel artist workshops, and teaching realist painting in oils at her atelier Studio Thibodeaux in New Orleans.
What folks are saying about their paintings . . .
"We absolutely love it and [our two year old] is quite pleased with it as well! "
"It's so special to have the portrait in our house and I know we'll cherish it for years to come. "
"We've hung it in the entryway to our master bedroom and it can also be seen from our living room as well! The frame is perfect for both the painting and our house. Plus, since it came framed, I was able to have it up on the wall within a few weeks of arrival as opposed to inevitably waiting a year or more! "